Make a Speech, Make a Speech! 5 Key Tips To Presenting a Trophy Award

Make a Speech, Make a Speech! 5 Key Tips To Presenting a Trophy Award

Presenting a trophy award and need to make a speech! We've got you covered.

With about 80% of the population getting at least a little anxious before public speaking, it's no wonder we want to get it right.  This is especially true if you're presenting an award that's meaningful to you, the audience and the person receiving it.

Not to worry.

Follow these key tips below to make a perfect and memorable speech.

Craft an Opening

It's important to keep in mind that some people in the room may not know much about the award or the recipient.

It's your job as the person presenting a trophy award, to lay the groundwork for what the award means and why it's a significant moment. You can include a quick explanation of the history of the award and what it has meant in the past.

This will highlight its current importance while giving the audience some interesting facts.

Give Some Background

Depending on the type of crowd and event, this is your chance to infuse some humor. Tell the audience a little bit about the person you're presenting the award to.

This can be a funny anecdote or some history about what they've done to deserve the award. If you do go with an anecdote, be sure it circles back into something related to the award itself.

Whatever type of background you choose to mention, be careful it doesn't get too personal or embarrassing. Ask yourself if this is the type of thing you would feel comfortable having someone else share about you.

Do Your Research

Once you've offered up a more casual story about their history or background, it's time to lead up to the award-giving.

This is where doing your homework comes in handy. Triple check you know how to pronounce the recipients' name. Make sure you have a handle on whatever facts or stats are relevant.

It's helpful to have these things written down on a notecard in addition to having it memorized. Sometimes these specific details can go out the window when the pressure is on and the nerves of public speaking have taken over.

Properly Presenting a Trophy Award

When it's time to present the award, do it with care and keep in mind it's a moment that is probably being photographed.

Don't call the recipient up to the stage until you've completed your speech. You don't need them awkwardly standing there to the side while you finish up.

Once you're done talking, call them up and hand them the award as though you're handing them a treasured keepsake. Take your time and make sure the people in the audience can see you, the award and its recipient.

You're Ready for Your Speech

With the tips above, you're prepared for presenting a trophy award.

The opportunity to do this is a special one and the guide above can help you craft a speech you feel confident about and that the audience remembers fondly.

Check out our blog for more tips and be sure to contact us for all your trophy needs!