Capturing the Moment: Memorable Graduation Photo Ideas

Capturing the Moment: Memorable Graduation Photo Ideas

The day is finally here: graduation. After all of your hard work and perseverance, you can walk down the stage and grab your degree. It's a day you'll want to remember, and so will everyone that comes to see you walk.

That's what graduation photos are for; yet, it's hard to come up with new graduation photo ideas. You could go with the flow and take pictures of yourself smiling in a gown while holding the degree, but why do that? It's your special day, so you should be able to preserve it the way you want.

Instead of hiring a regular graduation photographer and purchasing the same old photos, try taking original pictures. Take them from angles nobody's ever tried before, and go places nowhere else goes. Make your graduation photos yours!

And for tips on how to take graduation photos you'll be proud of, keep reading below!

Take Pictures of The Crowd, and Of You

Everyone takes pictures of themselves after they graduate. There is always the same backdrop, everyone has the same expression, and every picture comes out looking the same no matter the person. Instead of taking a picture of just you, why not try to include the entire class?

You can carry a camera with you to your seat and try to snap some pictures before walking across the stage, or after. Cell phone cameras have also come a long way, and they can capture high-resolution pictures effortlessly.

Try to get a picture of yourself along with all the people you went to class with. That way, your special day won't be just yours. It'll be everyone's, and you remember the friends you made during college as well as the classes you had to work through.

Show Off Your Degree, If You Get It

Earning a degree isn't a usual, everyday accomplishment. It's something that deserves to be memorialised; you deserve to show off your degree. Yet, few graduates actually show it off in their graduation pictures.

Most of the time, it's rolled up against their chest — it could be anything. Don't be afraid to unfurl your degree and take a picture with it, showing off the field you've studied and mastered. After all that studying, you deserve some praise and even a medal!

Ditch the Dress-Up

Chances are, you found your own fashion sense during college. You realised that you could be your own person and that you didn't need to conform to the expectations of others. So, why would you wear the same thing as everyone else in your graduation pictures?

While you may need to wear your robes to walk across the stage, there's nothing stopping you from taking them off afterwards. Make sure you're wearing the clothes you actually want to wear for your pictures underneath. Once the ceremony ends, you'll have a chance to take the pictures you want to take.

There Are Plenty More Graduation Photo Ideas

Your graduation is your special day; it's a day to look back at all the things you've accomplished throughout your collegiate career. It's a day worth remembering, and so, you should make it yours. To do that, you may need to research some graduation photo ideas, and that's okay!

And if you're not confident in your ability to take photos of yourself, that's okay too! It's what we're here for. So just reach out to us, and we'll make sure you remember your graduation day the way you want to!