5 Funny Awards for Students to Promote Participation

5 Funny Awards for Students to Promote Participation

Your pupils are less than exuberant to participate.

What ways can you spark their drive and engage their curiosity? Have you tried awards? Funny superlative awards?

Humor is a powerful ally so why not use it?

These five funny awards for students are sure to put a little extra jive in their step.


Five Funny Awards for Students 

Awards show that you care about your students and the time you've spent with them, while also revealing that you, too, are human and have a sense of humor.

#5. Most Energy

So they're not great at sitting still and they often speak without raising a hand. But at least they're always trying!

The most energetic student is the one you can often rely on to help you out with projects or games. Other students might not notice this student's involvement and dedication to the classroom atmosphere, but you sure do.

Awarding them with this superlative award will applaud their commitment and encourage others to be like them as well.

#4. The Comedian (Class Clown)

This is for that student who talks more than they should but often has those funny additions.

You might find them less humorous than the rest of the populous, but without a doubt, they cause laughter.

Maybe it's their jokes, or their animated gestures, or even their ability to do silly things with their face. These students' talents should be honored at some point because doing so will help build their relationship with you as a mentor, and all future teachers as well.

Did you know that laughter helps learning?

Plus, you might have the next Simon Pegg in your class, don't stifle them! Just take the moment to enjoy all the laughter they cause.

#3. The Sage 

You probably don't have any students with beards or that talk like Yoda, but this is still a great award to boost classroom community.

The sage doesn't have to be the person who says the wisest stuff or has all the answers. This isn't the best behavior award. The sage, like all great sages, is the student who shows the best listening skills.

Think about it.

All great sages have less than twenty lines in a movie, but they're surrounded by line after line, conflict after conflict, drama after...you get the point.

And what do they do? They listen, then offer a singular line of advice.

The student with the best ears in your classroom is The Sage, honor them for their ability to quite simply shut up and listen.

#2. Bravado!

The Bravado! Award is a superlative award for the student who isn't afraid to shout out an answer, even when they are absolutely incorrect.

This is the student that is boisterous, daring--willing to risk it all even when there's nothing to gain.

It may be the one who gladly accepts a game of dodgeball where it's ten versus one!

Honoring them with this funny award will remind students (and perhaps teachers alike) that it's okay to take chances, have fun, and live a little.

#1. The Glue Master

No, this isn't the student who somehow uses two sticks of glue for that arts and crafts projects (well, maybe they do).

The Glue Master Award is for the student who seems to hold the classroom together.

They're everybody's friend.

Making an enemy for them is like losing a finger so they do what they can to smooth the edges and bind the community.

This funny superlative award reminds students that everyone truly is on the same team and things like popularity pail in comparison to harmony.


More Awards

For more funny awards for students feel free to swing over to our blog where we post tons of ideas. If you're looking for medal, trophy, or award ideas reach out and contact us, we'll brainstorm alongside you.

Keep your head high so you can keep leading others!